zone #3, Kitchen
Here is presented fully functional mod kitchen with many of different options and utensils. This exact zone will perfectly fit for any kind of TVs cooking shows, reels for social media, fashion shoots and more. One more option in this zone is a classic white arch that has possibility of changing the colors behind it with curtains, it looks great with morning sunlight.
Included in Zone #3
2х Flash Units
Mini Frige
Make-Up Station
Wireless Triggers
Sound System (BT)
Free Wi-Fi
All modifiers are free
Paper Backdrops
Fans, Sand Bags
Rental rates for video shoots
Rent By Hour Video
1 hour minimum
750 DHS
Half Day Video
4 hours
3000 DHS
Full Day Video
8+1 hours
5000 DHS
Full Night Video
10pm — 8am
5000 DHS
book now
Any client, from the moment of booking or from the beginning of using the studio space, recognizes as having accepted the public offer in full and undertakes to follow the Rules.
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